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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:55    点击次数:125

今天是早安英文陪你一起进步的第9年又213天INTRODUCTION点击观看今天外刊精讲直播的文章来自《经济学人》的——Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?提起西方老人,大家的一个反应就是:有钱,天南地北到处旅行。但事实上,真实的西方老人和中国老人一样都非常节约,因为退休后才是他们大量用钱的时候,所以在西方老人们最害怕的就是“老年反贫”。2024年和早安英文贝贝老师一起读外刊添加贝贝老师的个人微信获取完整版外刊文稿+外教原声朗读学有所得 2024年进步✌Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?The mystery matters for global economic growth.✅翻译:婴儿潮一代都很有钱。他们为何如此吝啬?这一谜团对于全球经济至关重要。重点词汇:stingy adj. /ˈstɪndʒi/not given or giving willingly; not generous, especially with money小气的;吝啬的例句:You're stingy! (= not willing to spend money)你真小气!例句:Don't be so stingy with the cream!别那么舍不得放奶油!Baby-boomers were born between 1946 and 1964—and are the luckiest generation in history. Most of the cohort, which numbers 270m across the rich world, have not fought wars. Some got to see the Beatles live. They grew up during strong economic growth. Not all are rich, but in aggregate they have amassed great wealth, owing to a combination of falling interest rates, declining housebuilding and strong earnings. American baby-boomers, who make up 20% of the country’s population, own 52% of its net wealth, worth $76trn.✅翻译:婴儿潮一代出生于 1946 年至 1964 年之间,他们是历史上最幸运的一代人。这代人遍布于富裕国家,共有 2.7 亿人,其中大多数人没有经历过战争。有些人甚至亲眼看过披头士乐队的演出。他们成长于经济强劲增长的时期。并非所有人都很富有,但总体而言,婴儿潮一代积累了巨额财富,这要归功于利率下降、房屋建设减少和收入强劲等因素。美国婴儿潮一代占美国总人口的 20%,拥有该国 52% 的净财富,价值 76 万亿美元.重点词汇:cohort n. /ˈkoʊhɔːrt/1. a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour(有共同特点或举止类同的)一群人,一批人• the 1999 birth cohort (= all those born in 1999) 1999年出生的同龄人口2. ( disapproving ) a member of a group of people who support another person同伙;支持者例句:Robinson and his cohorts were soon ejected from the hall.鲁宾逊及其同伙很快被赶出了大厅。重点词汇:amass v. /əˈmæs/to collect sth, especially in large quantities(尤指大量)积累,积聚 SYN accumulate例句:He amassed a fortune from silver mining.他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。Now the generation is moving into retirement, what are they going to do with their money? The question matters for more than just suppliers of cruises and golf clubs. Since they have deep pockets, boomers’ spending choices will exert a huge influence on global economic growth, inflation and interest rates.✅翻译:现在,这一代人即将退休,他们要怎么花这些钱呢?这个问题不仅仅关乎邮轮和高尔夫球杆的供应商。由于婴儿潮一代财力雄厚,他们的消费选择将对全球经济增长、通胀和利率产生巨大影响。重点词汇:cruise n. /kruːz/a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday/vacation乘船游览;航行例句:I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.我很想乘船周游世界。• a luxury cruise ship豪华游轮重点词汇:deep pocketIf you say that a person or organization has deep pockets, you mean that they have a lot of money with which to pay for something. 雄厚的财力• ...investors with deep pockets. …财力雄厚的投资者们。例句:The church will do anything to avoid scandal – and everyone knows it has deep pockets.教会将不惜一切来避开丑 闻–大家都 知道它有的是钱。研究人员研究了富裕的退休人员可能如此的所有合乎逻辑的原因,包括希望留下遗产或对未来医疗需求的担忧。最大的动机是他们会过早耗尽现金。即使在最坏的情况下,他们本可以花更多的钱。其中一个非理性的原因可能是简单的习惯。当人们退休时,会发生一些奇怪的事情。突然之间,他们没有得到固定的薪水,这让他们害怕花钱。退休前设定的目标以及预先确定的支出计划被放弃,因为退休人员害怕看到退休账户上的余额下降哪怕是一点点。想要获取剩下九段外刊原文+翻译?添加贝贝老师微信⬇️